Your ‘Get Ready for Fall’ Guide

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Your ‘Get Ready for Fall’ Guide

As the weather cools and we prepare for the transition from summer to fall, you may be thinking about making the switch from air conditioning to home heating. While it’s not as simple a process as flipping a switch, Gas Plus is here to make sure that you take the right steps to get your home ready for the new season. To make things easier, we’ve assembled a guide you can follow to prepare for the cooler weather that’s just around the corner.  Keep reading for some helpful tips and give us a call if you have any questions!

  1. Turn off your air conditioner

First thing’s first; time to shut down your air conditioner for the season. To fully shut off your central or ductless A/C unit, look for the outside circuit to the condenser, which is usually close to the unit, and under a flip lid. Open the lid and switch the power over to off position. If you’re using a simple window unit or window-mounted floor unit, you can simply turn off the main power switch on the unit.


  1. Change the air filter

Your air conditioner worked hard all summer long, so it’s important to treat it right as you put it away. Your HVAC system uses the same filter for cooling and heating systems, so it’s important to change it regularly through the year. We recommend you change your air filter seasonally, and as often as once every other month if pets or allergies are present within your home.


  1. Have an end-of-season A/C check up

While there are some ways you can help keep your A/C unit in good condition yourself, nothing beats the skilled hands of a professional! Even if you don’t suspect that any problems exist, it’s a good idea to have your unit inspected, serviced and cleaned once a year. These inspections can help you get the most out of your air conditioning unit through improved energy efficiency, which can lead to lower home energy costs and a longer life span for your unit.


  1. Clear around your A/C unit and prepare for the winter

Central air conditioners are built to endure the harsh winter weather such as rain, wind and snow, but it is not designed to keep out leaves, seeds, and debris. Therefore, you will want to make sure your system is covered for the fall season. In the fall, leaves or seeds can block any moisture drainage systems built into your unit, so a cover can save you from costly repairs. In the winter, a cover can actually trap moisture inside, freezing the condenser coils, and cause more damage in the long run. We do advise that you cover the exposed pipes and wiring running from the air conditioner. You can use foam pipe covers cut to size and secure them in place with electrical tape. This can help insulate the pipes and help prevent freezing and cracking in the cold winter months.


  1. Adjust your thermostat for cooler weather

This point speaks for itself, but it’s easily forgotten! Reprogramming your thermostat for the new season is a smart move, and an important box to tick. Programmable thermostats have many benefits such as improved zoned temperature control, less stress on your HVAC system, and they can help save money on your energy bills.

Maintenance employees

  1. Schedule a fall furnace tune-up

To be better prepared for the winter weather, we recommend getting a fall furnace tune up! You may think that your furnace is fine, but it’s been out of use for at least a season, and you never know what issues could arise when you’re not paying attention. It’s easy to miss signs such as unusual noise, extra condensation, physical damage and more. Even if your furnace turns out to be in perfect working order, that pre-winter check-up will help extend the life of your furnace and identify issues before they become real problems.

We hate to say it, but Summer is almost over and fall is just around the corner. Use this time to make sure you’re up to date with your home maintenance so you can welcome this new season with fewer worries and more time to relax. If you need any more information, just give us a call! The Gas Plus experts are always happy to help keep your HVAC system in top shape.