Stress Free Summer Electrical

Stress Free Summer Electrical

The weather is heating up, and with it, so is the load on your electrical system. This heat puts unwarranted stress on our systems as well as our wallets but making a few minor changes to how you use your appliances can take the load this summer! Check out these simple tips.

Keep Things Under Control
Heating and cooling can make up about 30-50 percent of your electricity bills, making it one of the biggest stressors on your electrical system. However, there are many ways to reduce that stress, including…

  • Keeping your air filter clean
  • Scheduling a professional for a tune up right before the season kicks off
  • Installing a programmable thermostat so the cooling is turned off when not needed
  • Fixing any ducting if it has been leaking
  • Cleaning your outdoor system and indoor vents of debris and blockages

Take the Cooking Outside
Once you turn on your kitchen stove, you can heat up your home putting a lot of pressure on your air conditioning to keep up with the level of required cooling. Save energy and maintain comfort by firing up your grill instead!

Reduce Appliance Stress
Today’s homes have a multitude of appliances and gadgets that can cause a considerable amount of stress on your electrical system. There are a few things you can do to reduce your appliance stress.

  • Updating to more modern technology for outdoor lighting such as motion sensors, timers
  • Unplugging anything with a power adapter to only pay for the power you’re using. This can be TVs, computers, microwaves, and cell phone charges
  • Ditch your dryer and let the laundry dry on the line

Reinforce Your Insulation
Your outer walls, windows, doors, floors, ceiling – may need support in the form of adequate insulation and air sealing to keep your home comfortable and help you avoid the stress of unnecessarily high energy bills.