Gas Plus is proud to offer a variety of LifeBreath systems to improve the air quality of your home. For more information on their product line, click on the LifeBreath logo below. At Gas Plus, we are certified by HRAI for design and installation, and offer free on-site quotations.
Ventilation systems bring a breath of fresh air into your home, again and again. Ventilation systems are becoming increasingly important as air quality is declining, especially during the summer months. In the winter, the natural air flow in houses is restricted in an effort to reduce energy costs. These systems can be paired with an existing forced air heating system, or operate as stand-alone so they can be installed in virtually any home. HRV stands for ‘Heat Recovery Venilator’, which is a system that brings fresh air into a home. Lifebreath’s HRV from Gas Plus has the ability to conserve energy by balancing your need for a healthy environment. Quiet and efficient, compact yet powerful; all Lifebreath HRVs feature the superior performance of the patented aluminum heat recovery core.
The air in your home is loaded with pollen, dust, pet dander, dust mites and their droppings, as well as many other health-threatening particles. In today’s tighter built, better insulated homes, poor air quality can be compounded with gaseous pollutants, odors and humidity that result in mold and mildew. This can put your family’s health at serious risk. With the right air quality system, your atmosphere will be constantly purged of pollutants and dust, which are collected on an easy-to-change filter. This will not only result in fresher, cleaner air, but it can also improve your quality of sleep, as well as health conditions like asthma and allergies. Gas Plus is happy to recommend an air-cleaning system for your home, and can even take care of installation if required.